Friday, February 24, 2012

My character Alana, and art for someone's birthday :D

my character Alana. drawn on SAI.

and now a birthday gift for someone I know online

their character Laurie. drawn with copic markers.

Friday, February 17, 2012

a pixel icon I made for someone online.

for someone I know online. I know it's kinda silly that I'm posting it here, but this IS an art blog so I thought "why not?"

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Twelfth Night Valentine!

YUP. I wanted to make a Valentines Day drawing :)

the character's are Olivia and "Cesario" from Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare. (with my weird outfit designs XD )

haha poor "Cesario".

Sunday, February 5, 2012

I have a bag on my head.

YUP.  I have a bag. on my head. (well, kinda a bag)

I shall explain:    

my friend got lice and I might have got them from her. so I had to put olive oil in my hair and put this plastic wrap on my head aaand leave it in all night. I've had better days. 

this is what I look like right now.

and yes, I am holding that ear bud up to my ear because the plastic wrap is covering my ears.

I don't think I have lice, buuut I wanted to be safe.  

an icon.

I made myself an icon. :)